STD Testing During Pregnancy

STD Testing During Pregnancy is available on: Express STD Testing Blog

STD testing is not always a part of your standard gynecologist visit or check-up. If you have recently had an abortion, you may have a shorter timeframe until your next visit to the gynecologist. Be as forthcoming as possible with your healthcare provider. Be completely honest about your sexual life to your doctor or nurse so that they can assist you in choosing the right tests for you.

Many STDs, such as HIV/AIDS and genital herpes, have no symptoms. These diseases affect the immune system instead. Unless symptoms are apparent, most STDs, including genital herpes and HIV, are not treated. Once symptoms are apparent, though, STD testing is mandatory to determine if you have an STD.

Most health care providers recommend routine annual exams for both men and women. This includes testing for abnormalities such as prostate, cervix, and testes. Your health care provider will give you a form to fill out about a week before your annual exam. You will be asked many questions pertaining to your health history, medical conditions, current medications, and any environmental factors that may be contributing to your STD.

Some health insurance plans cover some of the cost of STD tests. In most cases, you will have to pay the entire fee out of pocket. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, or if you aren’t sure it will cover the cost, ask your doctor or nurse to discuss it. You should also ask your doctor or nurse if you can have a blood test done to confirm if you do or don’t have an STD. The results of this test can tell your doctor if you are indeed showing symptoms of an STD.

If you have health insurance, most providers will help you with STD testing at their clinics. They will usually offer free or low-cost STD testing to anyone who applies. STD testing during pregnancy is another area where your health care provider may suggest STD testing. Many pregnant women experience symptoms of STD’s during their pregnancy, but often go unnoticed. This is because many of the symptoms of STD’s mimic those of pregnancy, including nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

While stds is usually easily preventable, it can still happen to you. If you or a member of your family has been diagnosed with STD’s, you should always get yourself tested for any infections no matter how common they are. Early treatment of STD’s can not only improve your chances of recovery, but it can also prevent serious health problems from occurring. Even if you are sexually active and healthy, you should always get tested for stds.

STD Testing and Risk Factors

The following post STD Testing and Risk Factors is courtesy of: express STD

Talking about STD testing may feel awkward, but don’t be afraid. Remember, many people have already been diagnosed with STD, so you’re not alone. Also keep in mind that most STDs take time to develop, so you shouldn’t panic if you find out you do have an STD. Many people also find out they have an STD while they’re trying to have a child, so this is also another reason to get tested. Most people contract an STD at some point in their life and being tested early is the responsible thing to do – it means that you are taking better care of yourself by not spreading your infection further. Here’s how STD testing works.

When you go to your doctor for STD testing, he or she will collect a swab from you and send it off to a lab. Depending on the type of STD you have, your doctor might send the samples to one of several STD testing sites around the country. Once the samples arrive at the lab, they will perform testing to see which strain of STD you have. Your doctors will tell you what type of test they use, and this could be done with a urine or blood test. Depending on your condition and the severity of it, your doctors will either diagnose you with an STD or provide a treatment for your condition.

An STD test can give you some important information – like how long you’ve had the condition, if you know you have it, and the symptoms you’re experiencing. Some STDs also have symptoms, so you’ll be able to tell if you have any. In the case of an STD test, your doctors will tell you whether or not you need immediate treatment. Some STD tests may include a pelvic exam to check for urinary infections and cancers of the reproductive organs.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of an STD, your doctor will likely ask you to also get tested for certain other diseases. The most commonly tested STD is syphilis, though there are others. Your syphilis exam can run into the hundreds depending on where you go for your STD testing.

Some STD tests only require you to go to one or two doctors. For example, a routine annual exam will likely cover STD testing, unless your doctor asks you to come in for an STD screening. Some sexually active people choose to go to multiple doctors for STD screening. If you choose to go to multiple doctors, make sure you tell your doctors that you’re sexually active. Some doctors won’t screen for certain STDs, unless you specifically ask them to.

Syphilis and HIV are the two most common STD’s among sexually active people. Other common STDs include genital warts and hepatitis. There are many different ways to protect yourself from STD’s. Always use condoms and avoid having multiple partners. Go through the STD screening process as soon as possible, as early testing can help identify risks factors for STD’s and give you treatment options.

Why it is important to get an STD Test

Why it is important to get an STD Test was originally published on:

People who are sexually active are required to go through STD Testing at least once in their lifetime. These tests help detect and monitor the progress, if any, of diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea. This is important because these diseases can cause serious problems to a person’s health. If you are one of the millions of people living in the United States who have been diagnosed with some STD, you might be required by your physician to get tested.

Why is it important for STDs to be detected early? Some people do not seek treatment or try to avoid getting tested for an STD because they feel that they will be stigmatized. However, this is not true. Many STDs, when detected early, can be cured. The only way to know if you are sexually active and suffering from an STD or not is to get tested.

The easiest way to determine whether you need to be tested for STDs is to get a physical examination done. A doctor can easily check for visible signs of infections on the cervix, genitals, and urethra. If there are visible sores on these parts of the body, then you should be tested for STDs.

One STD that is most often detected during routine STD testing is chlamydia. A standard STD panel usually detects this disease along with gonorrhea, genital warts, and syphilis. You can go to your doctor and have a simple examination done. During the exam, the doctor may take a sample of your vaginal discharge or your cervix discharge. You will be screened for pregnancy, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis with a standard STD test.

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, you need to get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Condoms do not offer any protection against these diseases, so you need to use condoms during sexual intercourse. However, if you are not married and have no children, you need to get tested for STDs yearly. Get tested for bacterial infections like gonorrhea and herpes by getting a simple pelvic exam. You can go to your doctor to have this exam.

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, you should consider getting tested for HIV. A recent study suggests that gay men are at higher risk of contracting HIV. However, you should not start seeking treatment for HIV unless your doctor says it is necessary. Go to your doctor to find out about risk factors for HIV and STDs.

Express STD Testing Offers Online Test

Express STD Testing, an online sexually transmitted disease testing service, would like to reach out to people across the country who may be looking to get tested. The site offers fast and accurate testing that is 100% private. Clients often get their test results back within one or two days. The service is also completely safe, as all their tests are approved and cleared by the FDA.

Getting tested with Express STD Testing is a relatively simple process. The first step is to order a test either discreetly online or by phone. The process is fast, secure and easy and the client can choose from specific tests for specific diseases or they can order a full panel test. The second step is to visit one of the 4500 Express STD Testing centers across the country. One does not need an appointment, and a visit to one of these locations normally takes about five minutes. The test results are usually processed within 24-72 hours, and one can access their results online through a secure patient login.

“There is nothing as important as having control over your sexual health,” says Express STD Testing. “This will only happen if you know your status. We exist to make sure you go through the STD testing process safely and conveniently. You can rest assured that our tests and testing processes are safe since they are approved and cleared by the FDA. The testing centers are CLIA-certified and are all over the country for your convenience. The most important thing for us is providing accurate STD testing and your privacy. Your medical information will be safe with us throughout the testing process. Be in charge of your sexual health and be part of the fight against STDs. Get tested today.”

The service is unique in that it is completely private. It does not go through the client’s insurance, and no one but the patient has access to their results. Even one’s permanent medical records remain untouched. The testing process is also very fast, taking only a few days from receiving the testing kit to getting a full set of results.

An STD is a disease or infection caused by a parasite, bacteria or virus that spreads from one person to another through sexual activities. Many go unnoticed because they do not display any obvious symptoms, which is why STD testing is the only real way to know if one is infected or not. However, there are certain STD symptoms that are shared by several different infections — and which are always a sure sign that getting tested might be a good idea. STD symptoms can also mimic the symptoms of other infections, so testing is still necessary even when one displays all the symptoms of a particular disease.

Express STD Testing offers a new, safer method of STD testing. The testing service’s main aim is to spread awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and provide a quick, efficient and discreet way for the public to find out their status. In addition to providing quick, discreet testing, Express STD Testing has many doctors available to offer professional consultation in case the results are positive.

“In case your results come back positive for an STD, we have qualified doctors ready to guide you through the next steps,” says the STD testing service. “The doctors will take you through the meaning of the results and will prescribe the best treatment options for you. You can ask the doctor any questions you might have, and they will professionally answer you. Our doctors will guide you through the process of understanding your results and will recommend the best treatment options. You will also get advice on what else you should do to ensure that the treatment process succeeds. You can test positive for an STD, get treated and test again and be positive for a second time. There are many factors behind this, such as engaging in sexual contact with someone with the same STD. If you have a sexual partner, you might want to get tested together and get treated. This will prevent reinfection. There are also chances of having more than one STD.”

For more information, visit

Meet Positives Announces Partnership With Express STD Testing

Meet Positives, based in Chicago, Illinois, is pleased to announce that they will be partnering with Express STD Testing. Meet Positives is a social media platform which provides an opportunity for people living with lifelong infections to share their experiences while remaining anonymous. The platform also provides information and advice related to dating while positive. Through this partnership with Express STD Testing, the platform hopes to widen its reach within the community while also helping provide a much-needed service.

Express STD Testing provides fast, discreet, accurate and affordable STD testing to the local community. The company also offers a new and safer STD testing method. Their main aim is to spread STD awareness and give the general public a chance to know their status in an efficient private manner. In order to make this possible, Express STD Testing has over 4,500 testing centers throughout the United States where anyone can get an STD test. These tests are based on urine and blood samples. After sample collection, an individual can expect their STD results in 1 to 2 business days. Some of these testing locations are open on Saturdays for convenience, just in case one cannot make it during the week. Through the partnership with Meet Positives, both companies will be able to widen their reach while providing information and guidance on a stigma and judgement-free platform.

Apart from the testing, Express STD Testing also has doctors ready to provide professional consultation in the event the results are positive. The company also guarantees confidentiality, ensuring that medical and personal information remains confidential throughout the testing process. For those who do test positive, Meet Positives provides an open platform to meet others in the same situation as well as take part in a forum that offers advice and support.

Express STD Testing has also made the testing process efficient and affordable. The main focus is on raising awareness to help stop the spread of various STDS, a goal which is shared by Meet Positives as well. To quote the Express STD Testing website, “We believe that the best way to fight the spread of different STDs is to know your status. This is why our website is a source of STD information including transmission, symptoms, and treatment options available.” Learn more here: Express STD Testing Media.

Meet Positives is an anonymous platform which helps Herpes positive people connect, date and share stories. The site also provides access to discussion forums and reviews up-to-date information and treatment options. According to statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in six people in the United States between 14 and 49 years of age have herpes. It is a diagnosis which can leave someone feeling alone, embarrassed and confused about the next step in their lives.

Express STD testing

The Meet Positives platform aims to eliminate these concerns with its anonymous platform that allows people to connect, share their stories and concerns and, in time, foster romantic connections. The partnership with Express STD Testing opens up this platform to many others who may have been newly diagnosed as well. The partnership will provide a support system, particularly to those who are still adjusting to their new reality.

CEO of Meet Positives Jack Lombardi says that the site is designed for those who have tested positive for Herpes or any of the many other STDs that affect the population. By using a website that is dedicated to those with such a condition, the company states that singles can feel more optimistic about the dating scene. They need not be concerned that someone will find out that they are positive or have to wonder when they should tell the person they are dating that they have tested positive.

He adds that, “Our community is warm and inviting. You will feel right at home, you will feel confident and you will finally feel comfortable talking with singles. This is a wonderful chance for you to finally be yourself. Our trusted dating site is safe and secure, so you never have to worry about your information being used anywhere else.” Lombardi would also like to point out the fact that, while those who have tested positive have done nothing wrong, many often feel ashamed or ostracized. He and his team created this site as a way to help such people accept their diagnosis and move on with their lives — within a community that does not belittle or exclude them.

To learn more about Meet Positives or Express STD Testing, one may visit their official websites. Further information can be found on their social media channels as well.

Why it is important to get an STD Test

Why it is important to get an STD Test is republished from: Express STD Testing Blog

People who are sexually active are required to go through STD Testing at least once in their lifetime. These tests help detect and monitor the progress, if any, of diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea. This is important because these diseases can cause serious problems to a person’s health. If you are one of the millions of people living in the United States who have been diagnosed with some STD, you might be required by your physician to get tested.

Why is it important for STDs to be detected early? Some people do not seek treatment or try to avoid getting tested for an STD because they feel that they will be stigmatized. However, this is not true. Many STDs, when detected early, can be cured. The only way to know if you are sexually active and suffering from an STD or not is to get tested.

The easiest way to determine whether you need to be tested for STDs is to get a physical examination done. A doctor can easily check for visible signs of infections on the cervix, genitals, and urethra. If there are visible sores on these parts of the body, then you should be tested for STDs.

One STD that is most often detected during routine STD testing is chlamydia. A standard STD panel usually detects this disease along with gonorrhea, genital warts, and syphilis. You can go to your doctor and have a simple examination done. During the exam, the doctor may take a sample of your vaginal discharge or your cervix discharge. You will be screened for pregnancy, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis with a standard STD test.

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, you need to get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Condoms do not offer any protection against these diseases, so you need to use condoms during sexual intercourse. However, if you are not married and have no children, you need to get tested for STDs yearly. Get tested for bacterial infections like gonorrhea and herpes by getting a simple pelvic exam. You can go to your doctor to have this exam.

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, you should consider getting tested for HIV. A recent study suggests that gay men are at higher risk of contracting HIV. However, you should not start seeking treatment for HIV unless your doctor says it is necessary. Go to your doctor to find out about risk factors for HIV and STDs.

How To Do A STD Test

How To Do A STD Test is available on:

Many people are very misinformed when it comes to STD testing. In general, when a person says that, it simply means that they do not know what STD they have been screened for. They might assume that, their annual check up included STD testing or that their doctor’s ‘STD panel’ included every STD they ever cared about. The fact is that every sexually active person should have regular STD tests at some time in their life.

Those who are sexually active and practice safe sex are encouraged to go through routine annual STD screening tests to ensure that they are as healthy as possible. Some people assume that these tests will only be necessary if they are sexually active, but this is not true. Anyone who has a certain condition that can affect their reproductive system should be screening for it. For example, those with diabetes should have regular STD screenings as well as those with pre-existing conditions. Even people who are not sexually active should have routine screening done for diseases such as genital warts and Hepatitis A and B.

Since STD testing is not always necessary, many people do not bother. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious health problems down the road. Those who do not screen regularly for STD can develop serious conditions such as cervical cancer and HIV if they do not receive treatment in a timely manner.

Those who are sexually active and work outside the home are encouraged to get annual STD screenings. However, many people believe that they do not need to be screened if they only engage in one or two sex partners. There are serious health risks involved when an individual does not seek treatment. An untreated STD can lead to serious problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. Those with pre-existing conditions should have annual STD screening as well as a Pap test. In addition, those over the age of 18 should have a simple physical exam to determine whether they are having abnormal symptoms.

It is recommended that every sexually active man and woman get annual STD screenings to ensure they are healthy. By doing so, they can avoid spreading the disease to others. Those who are sexually active and do not seek out treatment can end up passing these infections back and forth to their partners, putting both themselves and their partners at risk.

Many people are surprised to learn that most health insurance policies do not cover the cost of STD testing. The good news is that many health insurance plans cover the cost of certain blood tests, which are used in the diagnosis of STD. One way to find out if your insurance plan covers the cost of a staph blood test is to call the toll free number on the insurance card. Another option is to check with the customer service number provided on the prescription bottle for details. Those who are uninsured can find it difficult to pay for expensive staph blood tests and can be helped by using the resources available to them for information and assistance.

STD Testing During Pregnancy

STD Testing During Pregnancy was first seen on: Express std testing company

STD testing is not always a part of your standard gynecologist visit or check-up. If you have recently had an abortion, you may have a shorter timeframe until your next visit to the gynecologist. Be as forthcoming as possible with your healthcare provider. Be completely honest about your sexual life to your doctor or nurse so that they can assist you in choosing the right tests for you.

Many STDs, such as HIV/AIDS and genital herpes, have no symptoms. These diseases affect the immune system instead. Unless symptoms are apparent, most STDs, including genital herpes and HIV, are not treated. Once symptoms are apparent, though, STD testing is mandatory to determine if you have an STD.

Most health care providers recommend routine annual exams for both men and women. This includes testing for abnormalities such as prostate, cervix, and testes. Your health care provider will give you a form to fill out about a week before your annual exam. You will be asked many questions pertaining to your health history, medical conditions, current medications, and any environmental factors that may be contributing to your STD.

Some health insurance plans cover some of the cost of STD tests. In most cases, you will have to pay the entire fee out of pocket. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, or if you aren’t sure it will cover the cost, ask your doctor or nurse to discuss it. You should also ask your doctor or nurse if you can have a blood test done to confirm if you do or don’t have an STD. The results of this test can tell your doctor if you are indeed showing symptoms of an STD.

If you have health insurance, most providers will help you with STD testing at their clinics. They will usually offer free or low-cost STD testing to anyone who applies. STD testing during pregnancy is another area where your health care provider may suggest STD testing. Many pregnant women experience symptoms of STD’s during their pregnancy, but often go unnoticed. This is because many of the symptoms of STD’s mimic those of pregnancy, including nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

While stds is usually easily preventable, it can still happen to you. If you or a member of your family has been diagnosed with STD’s, you should always get yourself tested for any infections no matter how common they are. Early treatment of STD’s can not only improve your chances of recovery, but it can also prevent serious health problems from occurring. Even if you are sexually active and healthy, you should always get tested for stds.

STD Testing and Risk Factors

STD Testing and Risk Factors is courtesy of: Express STD Testing Blog

Talking about STD testing may feel awkward, but don’t be afraid. Remember, many people have already been diagnosed with STD, so you’re not alone. Also keep in mind that most STDs take time to develop, so you shouldn’t panic if you find out you do have an STD. Many people also find out they have an STD while they’re trying to have a child, so this is also another reason to get tested. Most people contract an STD at some point in their life and being tested early is the responsible thing to do – it means that you are taking better care of yourself by not spreading your infection further. Here’s how STD testing works.

When you go to your doctor for STD testing, he or she will collect a swab from you and send it off to a lab. Depending on the type of STD you have, your doctor might send the samples to one of several STD testing sites around the country. Once the samples arrive at the lab, they will perform testing to see which strain of STD you have. Your doctors will tell you what type of test they use, and this could be done with a urine or blood test. Depending on your condition and the severity of it, your doctors will either diagnose you with an STD or provide a treatment for your condition.

An STD test can give you some important information – like how long you’ve had the condition, if you know you have it, and the symptoms you’re experiencing. Some STDs also have symptoms, so you’ll be able to tell if you have any. In the case of an STD test, your doctors will tell you whether or not you need immediate treatment. Some STD tests may include a pelvic exam to check for urinary infections and cancers of the reproductive organs.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of an STD, your doctor will likely ask you to also get tested for certain other diseases. The most commonly tested STD is syphilis, though there are others. Your syphilis exam can run into the hundreds depending on where you go for your STD testing.

Some STD tests only require you to go to one or two doctors. For example, a routine annual exam will likely cover STD testing, unless your doctor asks you to come in for an STD screening. Some sexually active people choose to go to multiple doctors for STD screening. If you choose to go to multiple doctors, make sure you tell your doctors that you’re sexually active. Some doctors won’t screen for certain STDs, unless you specifically ask them to.

Syphilis and HIV are the two most common STD’s among sexually active people. Other common STDs include genital warts and hepatitis. There are many different ways to protect yourself from STD’s. Always use condoms and avoid having multiple partners. Go through the STD screening process as soon as possible, as early testing can help identify risks factors for STD’s and give you treatment options.

Why it is important to get an STD Test

Why it is important to get an STD Test is courtesy of:

People who are sexually active are required to go through STD Testing at least once in their lifetime. These tests help detect and monitor the progress, if any, of diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea. This is important because these diseases can cause serious problems to a person’s health. If you are one of the millions of people living in the United States who have been diagnosed with some STD, you might be required by your physician to get tested.

Why is it important for STDs to be detected early? Some people do not seek treatment or try to avoid getting tested for an STD because they feel that they will be stigmatized. However, this is not true. Many STDs, when detected early, can be cured. The only way to know if you are sexually active and suffering from an STD or not is to get tested.

The easiest way to determine whether you need to be tested for STDs is to get a physical examination done. A doctor can easily check for visible signs of infections on the cervix, genitals, and urethra. If there are visible sores on these parts of the body, then you should be tested for STDs.

One STD that is most often detected during routine STD testing is chlamydia. A standard STD panel usually detects this disease along with gonorrhea, genital warts, and syphilis. You can go to your doctor and have a simple examination done. During the exam, the doctor may take a sample of your vaginal discharge or your cervix discharge. You will be screened for pregnancy, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis with a standard STD test.

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, you need to get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Condoms do not offer any protection against these diseases, so you need to use condoms during sexual intercourse. However, if you are not married and have no children, you need to get tested for STDs yearly. Get tested for bacterial infections like gonorrhea and herpes by getting a simple pelvic exam. You can go to your doctor to have this exam.

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, you should consider getting tested for HIV. A recent study suggests that gay men are at higher risk of contracting HIV. However, you should not start seeking treatment for HIV unless your doctor says it is necessary. Go to your doctor to find out about risk factors for HIV and STDs.